
Saturday, 11 May 2013

Excuses, excuses...

Things have been weird for me lately.  In a bad way.  Personal stuff.  Worries.  Health issues.  Melancholia.  And other obsessions, plans, dreams... including a recurring one that I really should've abandoned by now...  but haven't.  In short: no time (and not much inclination) to blog.  The promised Skulltopus post on 'Image of the Fendahl' is stalled, swollen to vast and unruly size, stuck at an impasse, erupting out of the Skulltopus category into all sorts of other genres (appropriately enough).  Bear with me, Reading Few.  I will rally.


  1. *cheering on Jack*

    Surely a Skulltopus post on Fendahl is *supposed* to be swollen to a vast and unruly size?!?


  2. Best wishes, Jack. Keep up the good fight.

  3. I'm still reading - catching up on your old posts - so hope you keep it up!

    Good job man.
